Our sustainability pledge

Increasingly, sustainability is becoming a key issue for us and society in general, as we realise that current industrial, economic and social systems are storing up problems for the future. Sustainability is not about moving backwards but about looking forwards to new, better ways of doing things, we are making changes now to help save our shared space in the future.

Concept:  We believe in the introduction and incorporation of a 3 principle way of working:


By 2030 we will be carbon neutral.

We only use recycled paper for printing purposes but minimise printing as much as possible.  

All of our cleaning products are natural, biodegradable and bulk purchased to minimise packaging.

We use low energy appliances purchase second hand equipment including lighting equipment which is vital in our studio.

We use local suppliers for production, catering, refreshments and cleaning to minimise our impact on the environment.

From sets we make for design for shoots to the water we serve out the fridge, all are sourced ethically and recycled. 

We will explore the use solar panels to the roof of our business to minimise the electrical usage of the business by 2030.


Space Liverpool is...

For Space to be 50% occupied each month with external bookings.

To launch a second venue even more adaptive and event oriented than its sister venue. 

To Build Space to be an aspirational brand.

To create strategic partnerships with content creators, brands and independents.

To Launch a community membership scheme.

Build Newsletter following to 1,000. 

Build Instagram following to 2,500.

To have 10 in house events per year.

To create a bespoke wedding and events offering.

To launch new website and eCommerce store to drive additional revenue.

To promote our in house production and events team.  


We will share our journey with you. 

We will build a strong, valuable brand values and showcase them through our content and services.

We will keep cost and waste to a minimum by virtual operation of the business using modern communication technologies.

We will avoid ethical liabilities by implementing our social and environmental sustainability policies.

We will minimise debt and other financial liabilities.

We will invest in sustainable businesses, to help encourage the growth of a sustainable economy, as well as providing the business with a strong long-term investment approach.

We will implement simple and effective business systems so that the business runs efficiently without reliance on the specialist knowledge or skills of any one individual.